We’re baaa-ack! After a year hiatus, we three co-editors - Lydia, Sam, and Sione - are excited to dig back into this project. Read on for a sneak peek into our plans for 2023 and learn about one way you can help.
We’ve had our first meeting of 2023 and have begun to discuss our strategy for the year. Here’s a peek into our plans so far:
1) We’re going through old submissions with plans to purchase and publish a new piece on our website in the coming months. Woot!
2) We’ll be revisiting the language of our call for submissions with the intention of putting out a second call, ideally within the first half of the year. Double woot!
3) We’re developing an outreach strategy that extends beyond social media. Between the uncertain future of social media platforms and those platforms’ increasing emphasis on paid advertising and reliance on algorithms that reinforce a negativity bias, we want to tap into other ways of getting the word out about our calls for submissions and our fundraising efforts.
We’re particularly interested in developing mutually supportive relationships with organizations, publications, event coordinators, and creators who are in love with the idea of creating a socially just and sustainable future for all.
If you have any suggestions about people we should connect with or publications/events/conferences/etc. we should check out, we would love to hear them. You can email us at inclusivefuturemag@gmail.com, fill out the contact form on our website (also found below), DM us on Twitter or Instagram @inclusivefuture, or send us an ask on tumblr, also @inclusivefuture.
4) This year we are also revisiting our publication plans and how we want to fund the publication, with an eye toward what will help us publish our first full-length anthology sooner rather than later.
We also have a few other, top-secret ideas in the works that we’re not quite ready to talk about yet, but as soon as we can, we’ll announce them in our newsletter, so be sure to subscribe if you haven’t already done so! ;*) Newsletter subscribers will also be the first to find out when submissions reopen and when new work is published on our website.
Before we sign off, we want to extend our sincere and heartfelt thanks to those who have donated to this project through our Ko-fi account. Some of you even continued to contribute while we were on break last year, which means so much to us! While we haven’t had the capacity to reach out and thank each of you personally, please know that your contribution was both noticed and very much appreciated. As promised, 100% of those donations will fund the purchase of new work.
Happy New Year from all of us at Inclusive Future Magazine. We hope it’s off to a good start and that the year ahead brings exciting change.
Warmest regards,
Lydia, Sam, and Sione,
the editors of Inclusive Future Magazine